

Conference June 15-17, 2017

The centre of expertise Applied Futures Research - Open Time of the Erasmus University College Brussels and M HKA (Museum for Contemporary Art Antwerp) collaborated on an exceptional three day conference linked to M HKA's 2017 summer exhibition ‘A Temporary Futures Institute’. Agence Future created one of four futurists' exhibits for that exhibition. The conference was a lively affair inside the exhibtiion, check out the conference website what we made of it.

Check out the DDT website here

Anticipation in the 21st Century - Transforming the Future

Agence Future attended the Global Youth Forum in Paris in September 2016 and the Anticipation conference in Trento in November of the same year. Our crew was comissioned to produce two short video's on Futures Literacy Knowledge Laboratories and anticipation. The resulting films explain the concept of Futures Literacy and why it is needed from the perspective of the participants in the two events. 


MAONO : an exchange project for the exploration of futures

Three years in a row six artists from Lubumbashi together with 24-30 young adults (from Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) explore and create a variety of images of the future in a cultural exchange that takes place in the province of Katanga.

Reel Perpignan Futures 02010

After a decade of development, in 02010 Agence Future started re-shaping its interdisciplinary and cross-media practice with archive development, collaborative and participative approaches and the production of a new series of location based items entitled Reelfutures. The first of the new series of theses video reports was shot, produced and projected at Perpignan during the professional week of the photojournalism festival Visa Pour l’Image. 

E-dinges Festival

During the E-dinges festival on November 20th 02010, organised by the Instituut Samenleving en Technologie at the Flemish Parliament, AF and les Oiseaux Sans Têtes (OST) developed two interactive installations for an audience survey on digital technologies and the digital futures of Flanders.



La Belgique est un lieu intéressant: tout y est en mouvement, il n’y a aucune certitude mais obligation de s’inventer un avenir perpétuel.

                                                                                         Francois Schuiten


The Human Scale

For the Homo Futuris festival of 02006 in the Arts Centre Vooruit in Gent, we created five video-loops  shown on monitors spread throughout the amazing cultural venue. The loops each presented about ten minutes of interview extracts on FUTURES, AMBITIONS, BODIES, TECHNOLOGIES and POPULATIONS. In the exhibition entiteled The Human Scale in the Cultural Centre of Hasselt and during the Victiorian Circus Festival in the De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, the loops were presented on five lined-up monitors with a series of by Bram's photographs.


Futurescales - Antwerp

After 382 conversations about futures around the globe, we held 35 Agence Future interviews in Antwerp, where Maya grew up. MuHKA_media commisioned the montage. For narrative structure we used the same sections as applied in our interview schedule: evolving from personal, to local and then global futures, to finnish with a few bold questions for the imagination.

The port of Antwerp, promising to be a strong actor in the town's futures, was a setting for the opening sequence next to the new Court of Justice, the place most quoted by our conversation partners as "where we could catch a glimps of the future today". Social housing from the outskirts and the demolished old houses of the centre of town as well as the ambitious architectictural project of the new Museum Aan de Stroom, complete the picuture.


For the 50-year commemoration of the worldfair of 01958 in Brussels, Expo '58, looking back would not suffice. The anniversary celebrations took place under the motto: "Back to the Future".



On the 4th of May 02013, the cultural centre of Braine-L'alleud celebrated its 40th birthday. The festivities took place in the parc du Cheneau, an ideal setting for an outdoor gathering of no less than fourty local associations and clubs. The arts collective OST was invited to prepare an image exhibition and an activity for the occasion. A series of street interviews over the course of a day in five locations we questioned locals  of Braine-l'alleud about their ideas about the past fourty years as well as the next. with the visitors.